TOMB RAIDER II PC DEMO Run the Tomb2.exe to run the game. This will take you through the setup and into the game. If you wish to change any of the settings, you will need to create a ShortCut. Simply right-click on Tomb2.exe icon and select CreateShortcut. This will create the ShortCut called "Shortcut to Tomb2.exe". Right click on the ShortCut icon and select "Properties". Click on the tab labeled "Shortcut". At the end of the line labeled "Target" add the word " setup". The last part of the line should be "TOMB2.EXE setup". You should only be adding the word " setup" to the end of the line which was there when you selected the "Shortcut" tab.Once this is done, click on "OK". To run the SetUp screen, simply double-click on the shortcut icon. having changed the settings, you will need to run the Tomb2.exe in the normal way. You will need DirectX 5 in order to run this demo. If this is not installed on your PC, please visit the Microsoft Web Page at: EIDOS INTERACTIVE/CORE DESIGN LTD. KEYBOARD CONTROLS ================= UP = Run forward DOWN = Jump back RIGHT = Turn right LEFT = Turn left CTRL = Action ALT = Jump SPACE BAR = Draw/holster weapon / Key = Get/throw flare Keypad 0 (Ins) = Look Shift = Walk (when used with directional arrows) Delete = Side step left End = Roll Page Down = Side step right ESC = Display Menu rings If you have any problems with the demo, please email us at: